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Tractatus tripartitus

tému vytvoril(a) 5.6.2012 12:38
posledná zmena 6.6.2012 19:19
05.06.2012, 12:38
Tractatus tripartitus - čo to je? o čom je?
05.06.2012, 12:49
asi myslis opus tripartitum. to je spisane uhorske obycajove pravo. v rakusku mali ABGB, v uhorsku tripartitum.
05.06.2012, 12:54
Der Tractatus Tripartitus aus Nag Hammadi Codex I (Codes Jung)
Neu übers. v. Peter Nagel
[The Tractatus Tripartitus from the Nag Hammadi Codex I(Jung Codex). In a new translation by Peter Nagel.]

Published in German.
In his new translation of the Tractatus Tripartitus , Peter Nagel does a detailed study of the previous editions and translations. He has done a thorough analysis of the paleographic characteristics and the dialectic features as well as of the lexical expressions and the syntax of the Coptic text, which can be traced back to the original Greek text which was lost. This analysis resulted in an interpretation of the text which differs from the previous translations in numerous places. The author justifies the new version in the introduction, the annotations and in the philological and grammatical remarks. This new translation also conveys the mentality and the method of argumentation in the Tractatus Tripartitus to those interested who cannot read or understand Coptic and enables the reader to gain a deeper insight into the history of Valentinian gnosis and its reaction to early Catholic theology.

3. 05.06.2012, 12:54

Der Tractatus Tripartitus aus Nag Hammadi Codex I (Codes Jung)
Neu übers. v. Peter Nagel
[The Tractatus Tripartitus from the Nag Hammadi Codex I(Jung Codex). In a new translation by Peter Nagel.]

Published in German.
In his new translation of the Tractatus Tripartitus , Peter Nagel does a detailed study of the previous editions and translations. He has done a thorough analysis of the paleographic characteristics and the dialectic features as well as of the lexical expression...

05.06.2012, 12:58
no. a nemôžeš mi to preložiť, alebo dať sk alebo hu link?

5. 05.06.2012, 12:58

no. a nemôžeš mi to preložiť, alebo dať sk alebo hu link?

05.06.2012, 12:59
mozem. mozem ti poslat aj sto litrov.

ale sa mi nechce
05.06.2012, 12:57
nie, je to v súvislosti s Bibliou a apokryfmi, teraz som to slovné spojenie počula v jednej prednáške, niečo na spôsob tohoto:
len nerozumiem tomu, a keby niekto vedel v krátkosti, o čom to je, mohol by napísať, alebo pridať sem nejaký normálny link.

4. 05.06.2012, 12:57

nie, je to v súvislosti s Bibliou a apokryfmi, teraz som to slovné spojenie počula v jednej prednáške, niečo na spôsob tohoto:
len nerozumiem tomu, a keby niekto vedel v krátkosti, o čom to je, mohol by napísať, alebo pridať sem nejaký normálny link.

05.06.2012, 13:00
jj, mas pravdu, to nie je toto. prave checkujem skrz gugl. moja chyba
06.06.2012, 19:19
szia Andrea, nemožem sa ti dovolat, tak ani neviem, či si dostala SMS, ale ak áno, viac som napísal do e-mailu. budem čakat na tvoju odpoved. maj sa pekne. viszlát. R

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