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Emotional Content & Worth. Why Train?

tému vytvoril(a) 4.1.2012 10:41
posledná zmena 4.1.2012 10:41
04.01.2012, 10:41
Zdroj: odkaz

By Luis Gutierrez

Why do you train? What mindset do you bring to training? One of mutual well-being and welfare or one of fear and rage?

Do you train for Street or for Sport? With ill or cruel intentions or in an athletic manner and spirit?

Perhaps instead ask yourself what good any of this serves you? What of this would you live or share? What if any of this is you? What of this serves the world you seek or would leave your children?

What good is or does it to callous your hands and body for battle if in so doing those very same hands and body can no longer feel, hold, or lie with that which it deems soft, gentle, and beautiful enough to protect?

If you become the horror you fear, who and what has prevailed? If you recognize it and do nothing, who and what has prevailed? Apathy is fear of fear as much as rage and hate are its acknowledgment.

Why so often all this “boy speak” of fighting and ferocity? If you are a man who truly seeks freedom and fulfillment for those he protects and serves, why not put these childish things behind you and instead BE the example of such freedom and fulfillment? If a child acts cruelly or violent in ignorance, do you deem it necessary to show it a greater cruelty and violence? Is that the only power you have garnered in your maturity? Have you not learned a more efficient manner?

Do you actually think or believe by fighting you will find a lack of it? Do you actually think facing an unhealthy ego through violence negates it? Do you not see the unhealthy ego as the birthplace of all anxiety and fear? That by raising the volume of such noise you can never hear the silence that would save you from it?

Do you really think or believe there is any honor or beauty in bloodshed? Do you really? Do you believe in the tales OF war written by those not IN war? Can you actually pretend to conceive or practice anything remotely accurate to what the aggression and the cruel and wicked will to violence entails and what part of it possesses and is possessed in a man? Would you truly want to? Why? Why would you seek such strength? To bare what? To carry what burden? What wounds does such a passion and bottomless hunger for strength hide?

Do you not see such strength lies in weakness? Do you not see that such strength fears peace and does not wish it or act upon or behalf of it?

What good strength without the wisdom to use it?

What good strength without the compassion to value it?

What good strength without the humility to surrender it?

What good strength if not to build others?

Men reading, hearing about, or viewing tales of valor and courage and all the horrific godforsaken violence they entail often miss the one primary and important factor in the heart of such “heroes”….they were men of peace, poets, farmers, and family facing men who at one point or another were raped or stripped of all those things as well. And…after such horror want nothing of it and only a return to the lost days of old again…of peace, beauty, nature and family.

Instead I ask of you all to break such a cycle within your own hearts first as that’s where all these words emanate from. You see, all this is speech and not action but…..they go hand in hand. What you speak and think plays out ever so subtly in what will appear before you daily. Do not live in or be a vehicle of fear. Walk and do not run from it.

What good are the wealth or riches in the world if they leave your poor at heart? Whatever you choose to collect you will one day have to put down. Start letting go now.

Mindset or approach? Nah, truth and a surrender to it.

I wish you all well in this season of love, rebirth, and a faith beyond any will of man.

Make it a new year!

GOD bless you and keep you,


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