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tému vytvoril(a) 12.9.2012 09:04
posledná zmena 12.9.2012 09:23
12.09.2012, 09:04
akurát som narazil na skvelú kapelu.. majú fakt výborné texty 🙂


How many more lives will be taken and crushed out?
How many more minds will be shattered,
destroyed by what they've been taught?
Can't you see what's all around you?
All the times our government told you lies
and yet you still follow.
Can't you see all they promote is lies?
And if you want the truth of freedom you must know what price you will pay
And still, it all goes on around us,
our government supplies military aid to another,
promotes racism, supplies drugs to the youth of the world to keep them happy
And most of us just sit back and suck it all up
Can't you see that this system is just a game?
They all know it, and they all still play it...
Smash it up!
This no game - this is your life!
The price you have to pay may hurt you more and more each day,
but tomorrow the suffering will have gone,
and those of us left must remain strong
It's a price - a price that just has to be paid
Everything that our society breeds -
fascism, sexism, racism - must end
12.09.2012, 09:18
Somewhere in the alleys of our minds
we all have our secret worlds.

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